10 With the bracket firmly attached to the telescope, you are ready to attach the finder to the bracket. 1. Slide the O-Ring over the back
11 PPoowweerriinngg tthhee CCPPCC The CPC can be powered by the supplied 12v car battery adapter or optional power supply (see Optional
12 The CPC is controlled by Celestron’s NexStar hand controller designed to give you instant access to all the functions the CPC has to offer. W
13 Named Stars Common name listing of the brightest stars in the sky. Named Objects Alphabetical listing of over 50 of the most popular d
14 all these calculations and automatically entering the information for you, the user simply needs to aim the telescope to any three bright c
15 loosening both clutches. However the following alignment stars still need to found and centered using the hand control. • Remember to sele
16 TTwwoo SSttaarr AAlliiggnnmmeenntt With the two-star alignment method, the CPC requires the user to know the positions of two bright
17 1. Select Solar System Align from the alignment options. 2. Press ENTER to accept the time/site information displayed on the display, o
18 EQ Two-Star Align The EQ Two-Star Align follows most of the same steps as the Alt-Az Two-Star Align. This alignment method does not requ
19 CCD Objects. Selecting any one of these catalogs will display a numeric-alphabetical listing of the objects under that list. Pressing the
20 CCoonnsstteellllaattiioonn TToouurr In addition to the Tour Mode, the CPC telescope has a Constellation Tour that allows the user to tak
21 a flat surface or tripod without the use of an equatorial wedge. The telescope must be aligned with two stars before it can track in altaz
22 Enter R.A. - Dec: You can also store a specific set of coordinates for an object just by entering the R.A. and declination for that obje
23 SSccooppee SSeettuupp FFeeaattuurreess Setup Time-Site - Allows the user to customize the CPC display by changing time and location par
24 If you want to explore the entire object database, set the maximum altitude limit to 90º and the minimum limit to –90º. This will display
25 Get Alt-Az - Displays the relative altitude and azimuth for the current position of the telescope. Goto Alt-Az - Allows you to enter a s
27 Figure 5-1 AA ccuuttaawwaayy vviieeww ooff tthhee lliigghhtt ppaatthh ooff tthhee SScchhmmiiddtt--CCaasssseeggrraaiinn ooppttiiccaal
28 Figure 5-3 The emblem on the end of the focus knob shows the correct rotational direction for focusing the CPC. the primary mirror only sli
29 • Never look across or over objects that are producing heat waves. This includes asphalt parking lots on hot summer days or building roof
30 Up to this point, this manual covered the assembly and basic operation of your CPC telescope. However, to understand your telescope more thor
31 MMoottiioonn ooff tthhee SSttaarrss The daily motion of the Sun across the sky is familiar to even the most casual observer. This daily t
32 PPoollaarr AAlliiggnnmmeenntt ((wwiitthh ooppttiioonnaall WWeeddggee)) Even though the CPC can precisely track a celestial object while i
33 changes during the year and throughout the course of the night (see Figure 6-5). When the Big Dipper is low in the sky (i.e., near the horizon
34 Make the appropriate adjustments to the polar axis to eliminate any drift. Once you have eliminated all the drift, move to the star near the east
35 With your telescope set up, you are ready to use it for observing. This section covers visual observing hints for both solar system and deep
36 OObbsseerrvviinngg tthhee SSuunn Although overlooked by many amateur astronomers, solar observation is both rewarding and fun. However, beca
37 SSeeeeiinngg Seeing conditions refers to the stability of the atmosphere and directly affects the amount of fine detail seen in extended object
38 After looking at the night sky for a while you may want to try photographing it. Several forms of celestial photography are possible with your
39 6. Advance the film and repeat the process. Lunar Phase ISO 50 ISO 100 ISO 200 ISO 400 Crescent 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/15 Quarter 1/15 1/30 1/60 1/1
4 Congratulations on your purchase of the Celestron CPC telescope! The CPC GPS ushers in the next generation of computer automated telescopes.
40Advance the film and you are ready for your next exposure. Don't forget to take photos of varying duration and keep accurate records of what
41 12. Close the camera's shutter. PPeerriiooddiicc EErrrroorr CCoorrrreeccttiioonn ((PPEECC)) PEC for short, is a system that improv
42• Konica 3200 (color print) • Fujichrome 1600D (color slide) • 3M 1000 (color slide) • Scotchchrome 400 • T-Max 3200 (black and white print)
43Lunar or small planetary nebulae-- f/10 imaging is more challenging for long exposure, deep-sky imaging. Guiding needs to be very accurate and th
44 While your CPC telescope requires little maintenance, there are a few things to remember that will ensure your telescope performs at its best.
45Figure 9-3 A collimated telescope should appear symmetrical with the central obstruction centered in the star's diffraction pattern. To ac
46 You will find that additional accessories enhance your viewing pleasure and expand the usefulness of your telescope. For ease of reference, al
47Moon Filter (#94119-A) - Celestron’s Moon Filter is an economical eyepiece filter for reducing the brightness of the moon and improving contrast,
48 0Appendix A - Technical Specifications Optical Specification CPC 800 - #11073 CPC 925 - #11074 CPC
49Appendix B - Glossary of Terms A- Absolute magnitude The apparent magnitude that a star would have if it were observed from a standard dist
5 – The CPC comes completely pre-assembled and can be operational in a matter of minutes. The CPC and it
50J - Jovian Planets Any of the four gas giant planets that are at a greater distance form the sun than the terrestrial planets. K - Kuiper Bel
51telescope at this rate. The rate is 15 arc seconds per second or 15 degrees per hour. T - Terminator The boundary line between the light and
53 LONGITUDE LATITUDE degrees min degrees min Melbourne 80 37.8 28 6 Miami 80 16.8 25 49.2 Naples 81 4.8 26 7.8 Nasa Shuttle
54 LONGITUDE LATITUDE degrees min degrees min Wurtsmith 83 2.4 44 27 Ypsilanti 83 31.8 42 13.8 MINNESOTA Albert Lea 93 2
55 LONGITUDE LATITUDE degrees min degrees min OKLAHOMA Altus AFB 99 16.2 34 40.2 Ardmore 97 1.2 34 18 Bartlesville 96 0
56 LONGITUDE LATITUDE degrees min degrees min Walla Walla 118 16.8 46 6 Wenatchee 120 1.2 47 24 Whidbey Is 122 39 48 21 Yaki
57Appendix D - RS-232 Connection Using the included NexRemote software you can control your CPC telescope with a computer via the RS-232 po
6 The CPC telescope comes completely pre-assembled and can be operational in a matter of minutes. The CPC and its accessories are conveniently
66Observational Data Sheet Yearly Meteor Showers Shower Date Peak Hourly Rate Quadrantids Jan 01-Jan 05 4-Jan 60-200 Ly
67CELESTRON TWO YEAR WARRANTY A. Celestron warrants this telescope to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for two years. Cele
Celestron 2835 Columbia Street Torrance, CA 90503 Tel. (310) 328-9560 Fax. (310) 212-5835 Web sit
7 AAddjjuussttiinngg tthhee TTrriippoodd HHeeiigghhtt The tripod that comes with your CPC telescope is adjustable. There is a bubble le
8 2. Rotate the telescope base on the tripod head until the three feet on the bottom of the base fall into the feet recesses on the top of t
9 TThhee EEyyeeppiieeccee The eyepiece, is the optical element that magnifies the image focused by the telescope. The eyepiece fits
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